Member Portal

Create more meaningful connections

One place to get it all done

Your members count on you to provide the best healthcare they can find. Let us provide the best online experience to navigate their healthcare needs. Simply the member experience by connecting them to all of the tools they need in one place – from managing premium, coverage and claims to working more closely with their care team or researching treatment costs.

The Smart Series platform combines member tools for self-service, health management and healthcare consumerism in one spot – backed by a personalization engine driving targeted user experiences.

Cost transparency done right

We challenged the status quo when designing our transparency tool. Whereas traditional tools rely on simple calculations and broad assumptions about the historical cost of claims, our tool delivers the most accurate price estimates by providing real-time calls into claims, benefits, and eligibility.

Get ready to chat

Let your customers skip the hold music and get the help they need without picking up the phone. Our Live Chat feature offers a secure method for instant problem resolution, including a dashboard for the chat operator that puts the most commonly sought customer info right to their fingertips.


Track medications in one place

Whether prescribed by a PCP or specialist, purchased over the counter or administered as part of an ER visit, all medications are viewed together. Boost value by enabling a real-time check for drug-to-drug interactions and possible duplicate therapies.

More time online and less on the line

Let’s face it, no one wants to use their phone to make calls. And for every transaction they complete online, that’s one less call into the service center and one positive member touchpoint.

Provide a centralized location for your members to:

  • View their coverage details
  • Check their benefit balances
  • View claims history
  • Manage contact information
  • Find a provider
  • Estimate the cost of a treatment
  • Interact with their care manager
  • View targeted health education content

Smarter Solutions

Learn more about the various tools supporting self-service, health management and healthcare consumerism for your members.

Self-Serve Tools

Self-serve tools allow members, providers, employers and brokers to manage their everyday activities

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Care Collaboration

A shared, interactive health record driving transparency and collaboration across the member’s entire care team.

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Consumer shopping tools to find and compare providers and treatments based on cost, quality and key factors.

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