
The latest updates and insights on the healthcare industry

During the 2024 Open Enrollment Period, a record-breaking 21.3 million people chose “Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace coverage according to the Biden-Harris Administration. The demand and need for this federal program are at an all-time high, as millions of Americans rely on access to this...

5 Ways to Meet Healthcare Consumers Online and Boost Your Member Experience “Healthcare consumerism” – it’s a buzzword heard a lot over the past few years as healthcare has evolved to be more consumer-centric, and all healthcare professionals should know and understand it. Patients are taking...

Together, we provide industry-leading analytics and digital engagement solutions focused on optimizing the consumer experience and improving health outcomes at scale. The individual differences and expectations of modern healthcare consumers should not be seen as a challenge, but instead an opportunity to tailor and deliver value...

In today’s digital world, cybersecurity in the healthcare space and protecting information is vital for the normal functioning and efficiency of organizations. Many healthcare organizations have various types of specialized healthcare information systems such as EHR systems, e-prescribing systems, practice management and clinical decision support...

We blinked and 2021 has somehow transitioned into 2022. With any new year, we all face the challenges that often come with it, and the healthcare industry is no exception. New regulations, increased demands, and accelerated use of technology have left the door open on...